Thursday, 16 April 2015

Falling Asleep by Your Computer Can Have Some Seriously Negative Health Effects

Falling asleep in front of your computer is uncomfortable and can make you feel like your social life is in shambles...but those aren't the only side effects of this practice.
It turns out, doing this too often can do a nontrivial amount of harm on your sleep schedule.

Important thing to note: you have an internal clock.

Your "internal clock" is the sort of intuitive sense your body has for knowing what time it is during the day. Some people's are sharper than others (certain athletes can track things down to the hundredth of a second) but everyone has a sort of generalized sense of time, and it's largely based on the darkness-into-light flow of mother nature around you. Your body can interpret what time of day it is due to the lightness/darkness of the world around you.

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